"Amor Bebe Gordo" es un anillo/talismán con la palabra "amor" escrito en plata esterlina. Este anillo tiene una banda mas grueso que el "Amor Bebe" anillo y por eso le decimos "Amor Bebe Gordo".
Si quieres vivir con el corazon lleno de amor aqui tienes algo para ayudarte recordar.
Amor Bebe Gordo is a talisman/ring with the word "Amor" written in sterling silver. This ring has a band that is slightly thicker than the "Amor Bebe" ring and that's why we added "Gordo" (fat) to the name.
If you want to live your life with your heart full of "Amor" (love) then here is something to help you remember!
Amor Bebe Gordo